"보통사람이고 싶은" 조재헌님의 이야기

조재헌님은 30년 가량 아토피피부염을 앓고 있는 중증 아토피피부염 환자입니다. 어렸을 적부터 아토피피부염이 있었지만 당시에는 중증 수준까지는 아니였으며, 학창시절부터 질환이 심해지면서 성인이 되었을 때는 걷잡을 수 없을 만큼 중증도가 심해졌습니다. 아토피피부염으로 인한 컴플렉스 때문에 사회와 멀어지게 되고, 장기간의 스테로이드 치료로 인해 시력마저 잃어버리게 되었습니다. 그가 원하는 단 하나의 소원은 “보통 사람” 이 되는 것. 보통 사람이 되기가 참 어렵다는 그의 이야기를 들어보세요.

Let’s get started with some basic steps to mindful breathing. Just follow along as I guide you through a basic practice.

First, sit or lie in a comfortable position.

Place one hand on your chest and the other on or below your belly button.

Begin taking normal breaths, focusing on the breath and noticing which hand rises more as you breathe.

Try not to control the breath—just be aware of it. If thoughts pop into your mind, notice that and return your attention to your breath.

Notice if your belly or chest rises more as you breathe.

Continue to practice your breathing. Remember, as thoughts arise, continue to return your attention to your breathing.

Think about how it felt to focus only on your breath without having to do anything else.

Remember, like any skill, mindful breathing takes practice, so try to fit in a little time for practice on a regular basis.

"폭풍 같은 아토피피부염을 담담히 견디는" 씨클님의 이야기

씨클님은 아토피피부염을 겪고 있는 래퍼입니다. 아침에 일어나면 온 몸이 피로 물들어져 있을 만큼 심한 아토피피부염을 겪고 있음에도 멋진 무대에 서고 싶은 꿈을 가지고 있었습니다. 아토피피부염으로 인한 일반인과 다른 외모로 대인기피증까지 생긴 그는 랩으로 본인의 앨범을 낼 수 있는 기회를 잡았습니다. 하지만 꿈을 이루기 직전에, 아토피피부염이 전례없이 심해지기 시작하며 실명을 할 수도 있다는 의사의 진단을 받게 됩니다. 아토피피부염으로 인해 수없이 많은 고난을 겪고도 끝까지 꿈을 향해 쫓아가는 씨클님의 이야기를 들어보세요.


Move through the practice slowly and intentionally.

As you practice, pay attention to sensations in your body as you focus on specific body parts.

Notice and accept any thoughts or feelings that come up, then return to your breathing.

If you come to a sensitive or painful area, bring your attention as close as you can without discomfort. You may find that as you continue to practice, you are able to get closer.

Begin by lying or sitting in a comfortable position.

Bring your awareness to your breath.

Now focus on the toes of your left foot. Notice any feelings of discomfort or tension. As you breathe out, release any tension with the breath.

Move your focus up your foot to your ankle. Again, use your breath to release feelings of tension or discomfort.

Continue to shift your focus to your left shin and calf, breathing to help you relax.

Bring your focus to your left knee and then your left thigh. Notice any feelings of discomfort or tension and relax as you exhale.

Move your attention to your left hip and groin, using the breath to release feelings of tension or discomfort.

Now begin the same process with the toes of your right foot, and breathe to help you relax.

Move your focus up your right foot to your ankle and continue breathing and relaxing.

Continue to shift your focus to your right shin and calf. Notice any feelings of discomfort or tension. As you breathe out, release any tension with the breath.

Bring your focus to your right knee and then your thigh, breathing to help relax.

Move your attention to your right hip and groin, and continue breathing and relaxing.

Now focus on your pelvis and hips, using the breath to release feelings of tension or discomfort.

From there, focus on your buttocks, then your lower back and abdomen, noticing any feelings of discomfort or tension and relaxing as you exhale.

Move your attention to your upper back, chest, ribs, and shoulder blades, breathing to help you relax. Then focus on your shoulders, collarbones and arms.

Start at the tips of your fingers and move your attention all the way up your arms—palms, wrists, forearms, elbows, upper arms, armpits—to your shoulders, using the breath to release feelings of tension or discomfort.

Now, bring your focus to your neck and throat, using the breath to release feelings of tension or discomfort.

And finally, move your attention to your face—mouth, nose, eyes, ears—and head and continue breathing and relaxing.

You’ve now completed the mindful body awareness exercise. Remember to use this guided practice as another tool to help you de-stress and cope with pain and itch.